20 May 2016

Initiating SCCM Actions with Verification

The latest script I am writing requires me to initiate both a software updates scan cycle and a software updates deployment evaluation cycle before continuing with the script. The actions needed to be completed before the script can continue, which is what started me on the path to writing this script. I figured if I was going to write two functions for those actions, I would write functions for the rest of the actions. I do realize there are more actions out there that I could include, but for now, I only included the ones in the Actions tab of the Configuration Manager Properties. Thanks to Eswar Knoeti's blog post, I had a reference to refer to on what log files to scan for the action being taken.

The way these scripts work, they kick off an action and then monitor the log file associated with that action until the completion/failed message appears. I have also included a 5 minute maximum wait time if something goes wrong and the action does not complete successfully, and a new message appears. I have noticed that some actions will not initiate if they have been initiated recently. For those, the status will return as failed.

I was going to originally include parameters so that you could select which functions to execute at command line. I chose not to because I figured that functions will likely be taken from this script to be included in other scripts and it is just as easy to comment out ones you do not want to execute between lines 446 and 456.

This has worked great in my environment. There maybe new messages in the log files that you may encounter that cause the function to not read the log file correctly. If so, please write a comment about that in the blog so that I can update the script. Thanks in advance.

With the help of Sapien's PowerShell Studio, I wrote the following script. You can download the script from here.

1:  <#  
2:       .SYNOPSIS  
3:            Initiate SCCM actions  
5:       .DESCRIPTION  
6:            This script will initiate SCCM actions and wait until the action is complete before continuing.   
8:       .EXAMPLE  
9:            powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file SCCMActions.ps1  
11:       .NOTES  
12:       ===========================================================================  
13:        Created with:     SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2016 v5.2.122  
14:        Created on:       5/20/2016 2:28 PM  
15:        Created by:       Mick Pletcher  
16:        Organization:         
17:        Filename:         SCCMActions.ps1  
18:       ===========================================================================  
19:  #>  
20:  [CmdletBinding()]  
21:  param ()  
23:  function Get-CurrentDate {  
24:  <#  
25:       .SYNOPSIS  
26:            Get the current date and return formatted value  
28:       .DESCRIPTION  
29:            Return the current date in the following format: mm-dd-yyyy  
31:       .NOTES  
32:            Additional information about the function.  
33:  #>  
35:       [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([string])]  
36:       param ()  
38:       $CurrentDate = Get-Date  
39:       $CurrentDate = $CurrentDate.ToShortDateString()  
40:       $CurrentDate = $CurrentDate -replace "/", "-"  
41:       If ($CurrentDate[2] -ne "-") {  
42:            $CurrentDate = $CurrentDate.Insert(0, "0")  
43:       }  
44:       If ($CurrentDate[5] -ne "-") {  
45:            $CurrentDate = $CurrentDate.Insert(3, "0")  
46:       }  
47:       Return $CurrentDate  
48:  }  
50:  function Invoke-ApplicationDeploymentEvaluationCycle {  
51:       $Completed = $false  
52:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
53:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
54:       Write-Host "Running Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle....." -NoNewline  
55:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000121"  
56:       Do {  
57:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
58:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
59:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
60:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\DCMReporting.log"  
61:            $Count = $Log.count  
62:            $Count = $Count - 1  
63:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
64:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
65:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
66:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
67:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
68:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
69:            If (($Log -like "*FinalRelease*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
70:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
71:                 $Completed = $true  
72:            }  
73:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
74:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
75:                 $Completed = $true  
76:            }  
77:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
78:  }  
80:  function Invoke-DiscoveryDataCollectionCycle {  
81:       $Completed = $false  
82:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
83:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
84:       Write-Host "Running Discovery Data Collection Cycle....." -NoNewline  
85:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003"  
86:       Do {  
87:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
88:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
89:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
90:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\InventoryAgent.log"  
91:            $Count = $Log.count  
92:            $Count = $Count - 1  
93:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
94:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
95:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
96:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
97:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
98:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
99:            If (($Log -like "*End of message processing*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
100:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
101:                 $Completed = $true  
102:            }  
103:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
104:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
105:                 $Completed = $true  
106:            }  
107:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
108:  }  
110:  function Invoke-FileCollectionCycle {  
111:       $Completed = $false  
112:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
113:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
114:       Write-Host "Running File Collection Cycle....." -NoNewline  
115:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000010"  
116:       Do {  
117:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
118:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
119:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
120:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\InventoryAgent.log"  
121:            $Count = $Log.count  
122:            $Count = $Count - 1  
123:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
124:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
125:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
126:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
127:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
128:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
129:            If ((($Log -like "*Action completed*") -or ($Log -like "*Exiting as no items to collect*")) -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
130:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
131:                 $Completed = $true  
132:            }  
133:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
134:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
135:                 $Completed = $true  
136:            }  
137:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
138:  }  
140:  function Invoke-HardwareInventoryCycle {  
141:       $Completed = $false  
142:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
143:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
144:       Write-Host "Running Hardware Inventory Cycle....." -NoNewline  
145:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"  
146:       Do {  
147:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
148:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
149:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
150:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\InventoryAgent.log"  
151:            $Count = $Log.count  
152:            $Count = $Count - 1  
153:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
154:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
155:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
156:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
157:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
158:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
159:            If (($Log -like "*End of message processing*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
160:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
161:                 $Completed = $true  
162:            }  
163:            If (($Log -like "*already in queue. Message ignored.*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
164:                 Write-Host "Ignored" -ForegroundColor Red  
165:                 $Completed = $true  
166:            }  
167:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
168:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
169:                 $Completed = $true  
170:            }  
171:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
172:  }  
174:  function Invoke-MachinePolicyEvaluationCycle {  
175:       $Completed = $false  
176:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %r  
177:       $StartTime = $StartTime.Split(' ')  
178:       $StartTime = $StartTime[0]  
179:       $StartTime = $StartTime.Substring(0, $StartTime.Length - 3)  
180:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
181:       Write-Host "Running Machine Policy Evaluation Cycle....." -NoNewline  
182:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000022"  
183:       Do {  
184:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
185:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
186:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
187:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\PolicyEvaluator.log"  
188:            $Count = $Log.count  
189:            $LogTime = $Log[$Count - 6]  
190:            $LogTime = $LogTime.Split('"')  
191:            $LogTime = $LogTime[1]  
192:            $LogTime = [management.managementdatetimeconverter]::ToDateTime($LogTime)  
193:            $LogDate = $LogTime  
194:            $LogTime = $LogTime.ToShortTimeString()  
195:            $LogTime = $Logtime.Split(' ')  
196:            $LogTime = $LogTime[0]  
197:            If ($LogTime[2] -ne ":") {  
198:                 $LogTime = $LogTime.Insert(0, "0")  
199:            }  
200:            $LogDate = $LogDate.ToShortDateString()  
201:            $LogDate = Get-CurrentDate  
202:            $LogStatus = $Log[$Count - 9]  
203:            If (($LogStatus -like "*instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluationComplete*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogDate) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
204:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
205:                 $Completed = $true  
206:            }  
207:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
208:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
209:                 $Completed = $true  
210:            }  
211:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
212:  }  
214:  function Invoke-MachinePolicyRetrievalCycle {  
215:       $Completed = $false  
216:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %r  
217:       $StartTime = $StartTime.Split(' ')  
218:       $StartTime = $StartTime[0]  
219:       $StartTime = $StartTime.Substring(0, $StartTime.Length - 3)  
220:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
221:       Write-Host "Running Machine Policy Retrieval Cycle....." -NoNewline  
222:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021"  
223:       Do {  
224:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
225:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
226:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
227:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\PolicyEvaluator.log"  
228:            $Count = $Log.count  
229:            $LogTime = $Log[$Count - 6]  
230:            $LogTime = $LogTime.Split('"')  
231:            $LogTime = $LogTime[1]  
232:            $LogTime = [management.managementdatetimeconverter]::ToDateTime($LogTime)  
233:            $LogDate = $LogTime  
234:            $LogTime = $LogTime.ToShortTimeString()  
235:            $LogTime = $Logtime.Split(' ')  
236:            $LogTime = $LogTime[0]  
237:            If ($LogTime[2] -ne ":") {  
238:                 $LogTime = $LogTime.Insert(0, "0")  
239:            }  
240:            $LogDate = $LogDate.ToShortDateString()  
241:            $LogDate = Get-CurrentDate  
242:            $LogStatus = $Log[$Count - 9]  
243:            If (($LogStatus -like "*instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluationComplete*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogDate) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
244:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
245:                 $Completed = $true  
246:            }  
247:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
248:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
249:                 $Completed = $true  
250:            }  
251:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
252:  }  
254:  function Invoke-SoftwareInventoryCycle {  
255:       $Completed = $false  
256:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
257:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
258:       Write-Host "Running Software Inventory Cycle....." -NoNewline  
259:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"  
260:       Do {  
261:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
262:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
263:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
264:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\InventoryAgent.log"  
265:            $Count = $Log.count  
266:            $Count = $Count - 1  
267:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
268:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
269:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
270:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
271:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
272:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
273:            If (($Log -like "*Initialization completed in*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
274:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
275:                 $Completed = $true  
276:            }  
277:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
278:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
279:                 $Completed = $true  
280:            }  
281:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
282:  }  
284:  function Invoke-SoftwareMeteringUsageReportCycle {  
285:       $Completed = $false  
286:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
287:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
288:       Write-Host "Running Software Metering Usage Report Cycle....." -NoNewline  
289:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000031"  
290:       Do {  
291:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
292:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
293:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
294:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\SWMTRReportGen.log"  
295:            $Count = $Log.count  
296:            $Count = $Count - 1  
297:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
298:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
299:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
300:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
301:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
302:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
303:            If ((($Log -like "*No usage data found to generate software metering report*") -or ($Log -like "*Successfully generated report header*") -or ($Log -like "*Message ID of sent message*")) -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
304:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
305:                 $Completed = $true  
306:            }  
307:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
308:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
309:                 $Completed = $true  
310:            }  
311:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
312:  }  
314:  function Invoke-SoftwareUpdatesDeploymentEvaluationCycle {  
315:  <#  
316:       .SYNOPSIS  
317:            Scan for software updates that are out of compliance  
319:       .DESCRIPTION  
320:            Initiates a scan for software updates compliance. Before client computers can scan for software update compliance, the software updates environment must be configured.  
322:       .NOTES  
323:            Additional information about the function.  
324:  #>  
326:       [CmdletBinding()]  
327:       param ()  
329:       $Completed = $false  
330:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
331:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
332:       Write-Host "Running Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle....." -NoNewline  
333:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000108"  
334:       Do {  
335:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
336:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
337:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
338:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\ScanAgent.log"  
339:            $Count = $Log.count  
340:            $Count = $Count - 1  
341:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
342:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
343:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
344:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
345:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
346:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
347:            If (($Log -like "*Calling back to client on Scan request complete*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
348:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
349:                 $Completed = $true  
350:            }  
351:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
352:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
353:                 $Completed = $true  
354:            }  
355:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
356:  }  
358:  function Invoke-SoftwareUpdatesScanCycle {  
359:       $Completed = $false  
360:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
361:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
362:       Write-Host "Running Software Updates Scan Cycle....." -NoNewline  
363:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000113"  
364:       Do {  
365:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
366:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
367:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
368:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\scanagent.log"  
369:            $Count = $Log.count  
370:            $Count = $Count - 1  
371:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
372:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
373:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
374:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
375:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
376:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
377:            If (($Log -like "*scan completion received*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
378:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
379:                 $Completed = $true  
380:            }  
381:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
382:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
383:                 $Completed = $true  
384:            }  
385:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
386:  }  
388:  function Invoke-WindowsInstallerSourceListUpdateCycle {  
389:       $Completed = $false  
390:       $StartTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
391:       $CurrentDate = Get-CurrentDate  
392:       Write-Host "Running Windows Installer Source List Update Cycle....." -NoNewline  
393:       Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan -ScheduleID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000032"  
394:       Do {  
395:            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  
396:            $CurrentTime = Get-Date -UFormat %R  
397:            $TimeDifference = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $CurrentTime  
398:            $Log = Get-Content $env:windir"\ccm\logs\SrcUpdateMgr.log"  
399:            $Count = $Log.count  
400:            $Count = $Count - 1  
401:            $Log = $Log[$Count]  
402:            $LogTable = $Log.split("<")[-1]  
403:            $LogTable = $LogTable.Substring(0, $LogTable.length - 1) -replace ' ', ';'  
404:            $LogTable = "@{$($LogTable)}" | Invoke-Expression  
405:            $LogTime = $LogTable.time.Substring(0, 5)  
406:            [datetime]$StringTime = $LogTable.time  
407:            If (($Log -like "*MSI update source list task finished successfully*") -and ($CurrentDate -eq $LogTable.date) -and ($LogTime -ge $StartTime)) {  
408:                 Write-Host "Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
409:                 $Completed = $true  
410:            }  
411:            If ($TimeDifference.Minutes -ge 5) {  
412:                 Write-Host "Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow  
413:                 $Completed = $true  
414:            }  
415:       } while ($Completed -eq $false)  
416:  }  
418:  function Start-ConfigurationManagerClientScan {  
419:  <#  
420:       .SYNOPSIS  
421:            Initiate Configuration Manager Client Scan  
423:       .DESCRIPTION  
424:            This will initiate an SCCM action  
426:       .PARAMETER ScheduleID  
427:            GUID ID of the SCCM action  
429:       .NOTES  
430:            Additional information about the function.  
431:  #>  
433:       [CmdletBinding()]  
434:       param  
435:       (  
436:                 [ValidateSet('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000121', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000010', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000022', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000031', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000108', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000113', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000111', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000026', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000027', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000032')]$ScheduleID  
437:       )  
439:       $WMIPath = "\\" + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\root\ccm:SMS_Client"  
440:       $SMSwmi = [wmiclass]$WMIPath  
441:       $Action = [char]123 + $ScheduleID + [char]125  
442:       [Void]$SMSwmi.TriggerSchedule($Action)  
443:  }  
445:  Clear-Host  
446:  Invoke-SoftwareUpdatesScanCycle  
447:  Invoke-SoftwareUpdatesDeploymentEvaluationCycle  
448:  Invoke-ApplicationDeploymentEvaluationCycle  
449:  Invoke-DiscoveryDataCollectionCycle  
450:  Invoke-FileCollectionCycle  
451:  Invoke-HardwareInventoryCycle  
452:  Invoke-MachinePolicyEvaluationCycle  
453:  Invoke-MachinePolicyRetrievalCycle  
454:  Invoke-SoftwareInventoryCycle  
455:  Invoke-SoftwareMeteringUsageReportCycle  
456:  Invoke-WindowsInstallerSourceListUpdateCycle  

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